Monday, March 24, 2008

Did You Lose a Loved One in Iraq?

Then Vice President Voldemort Cheney has a message for you, and it is this:

"Your loved one volunteered, tough shit for them. Go fuck yourself."

Well, not in those words, at least not the last two phrases. But certainly the first one.

Note also this whopper of a line: "The president carries the biggest burden, obviously."

Yeah. I bet that if you are sitting in your living room, looking at the photograph of your dead daughter or if you just came home from the hospital from working with your husband to help him deal with the effects of a devastating injury, your heart just bleeds for the president and his burden.

If either one of those fuckers had a functioning soul, let alone a shred of honor, they'd have committed seppuku years ago in penance for their lies.

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