Thursday, March 6, 2008

Data Storage, Morons and Our Police State

The police departments are joining up to create a nationwide database to spy on everyone. I submit that anyone who thinks that this is just something that is going to be used to track criminals alone had better get a plexiglas window put in their abdomen so they can see where they are going.

Second, I submit that anyone who is keeping their business records or personal records in a computer not under their physical control and who thinks that their records are safe from being rifled through by the government is seriously on drugs. The companies that offer that service will hand over your records without a thought to any government agent who shows up with a nice letter on official stationary.


  1. LOL! Someone suggested I should try Microsoft's new SkyDrive instead of using my trusty external hard drive to store my files on. Oh, I think not.;)

  2. There's something so comforting about a police state, though.....


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