Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bush's Plan to Elect McCain.

Bush is going to gin up a war against Iran. But in order to do so, he has to get rid of Admiral Fallon, the Commander of Central Command. Fallon is one of the best strategic thinkers in uniform, which is why Bush and Vice President Voldemort have to get rid of Fallon.

In short, if Fallon is forced out, war will soon follow.

It will be instructive to see if the American people and the press can be fooled again. I am not going to bet against that.


  1. Nor would I. Carbondate has a post
    today that includes a video of a new Russian jet.
    I'm ready for a plane post from you.

  2. OneFly, it's probably about time. I have, though, been writing about ships and stuff on my other blog, which might be worth a look.


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