Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Torture Nation

Now it is official. People were tortured at the hands of agents of our government. Torture is a yes/no proposition. You torture or you don't. Saying you are not a torturer because you only tortured a few people is like saying you're not a crook because you only robbed two liquor stores. If you have tortured one person, you are a torturer. Debating the number of people you have tortured is just bookkeeping.

The United States of America is a country that tortures people. How comfortable the Bush Administration is with that statement says a lot about how they value principles such as the rule of law and justice. How comfortable you are with that statement says a lot about you.

Do you know how you can tell it's an election year? You can tell when a high official in the Bush Administration starts warning of future terrorist attacks. Just like in `06, when the Republicans said flat out that a vote for a Democrat was a vote for terrorism. Just like in `04, when the Bush Administration changed the color of the Traffic Light of Death on a weekly basis.

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