Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You Know They're Lying, Their Lips Are Moving; Iraq War Edition

Think back to the beginning of last year. Faced with increasing calls to get out of Iraq, Preznit McJackhole decides to send more troops. The idea (as in "loose crap rolling around in what passes for his cranium") was that tamping down the violence would give the Iraqis a chance to grab hold of both the political situation and the security situation, so that at the end of the Surge, Iraq's government would be in better shape and the Iraqi army and police could control things, so we could pull out more troops.

Regarding the political situation, no change there.

Regarding the security situation, well, that also has not worked, for post-Surge, there will be as many troops in Iraq, if not more, than there was pre-Surge.

Only in the Bush universe does maintaining a bad situation count as "success."

Truly, Chimperor C-Minus Augustus has been on the job.

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