Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Winner in New Hampshire!

Marty won the election on Tuesday for the Cat-in-Residence at the Mount Washington Weather Observatory. You can read about Marty and the other candidates here.

There apparently was some other minor election going on in New Hampshire on the same day.

(H/T to Sorghum Crow)

1 comment:

  1. Experience won in New Hampshire -- Marty was the oldest candidate.

    As for that other election in New Hampshire, a politician won it. I have never met a politician that had soft silky fur, a pleasing purr, or the qualifications to be a master mouse catcher. They tend to be rather... reptilian... in visage and personality, now that I think of it, not warm and soft and cuddly like a friendly kitty.

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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