Thursday, January 17, 2008

Torture Nation

That is what the U.S. is, according to the Canadian Foreign Ministry.

Way to go, Chimpy. Even our friends can't close their eyes to your crimes. And, by extension, our crimes. Or at least the crimes of everyone who voted for him in `04. And the crimes of those who would do the same, or worse, such as RoboWillard and Rudy "Nosferatu" Guiliani.


  1. As quoted from the article:
    "The revelation is likely to embarrass the minority Conservative government, which is a staunch U.S. ally."
    You have no idea what an ass our Prime Minister is. If he could get away with it, we'd be just as bad. Mind you, if the asshole stays in power much longer we will be....

  2. Did you see today's Doonsbury? It reads something like this: The PBS interviewer is interviewing an infamous Trashcanistani dictator, and says something like "Your human rights record has come under fire due to the number of people imprisoned."

    Dictator: "We imprison fewer per capita than the United States, sir."

    "Yeah, but we don't torture our prisoners."

    "Excuse me?" Dictator has arms folded across his chest, glares at interviewer, you can see the thought "Guantanamo Bay" flicker through his head.

    Interviewer gets it, hits himself over the head and goes "Ouch, that used to be a gimme."

    That's what Dear Leader has done to us. With the full support of the majority of the American people, in this case anyhow.

  3. fjb, I've seen a few things about your new PM. Seems him and Sarcozy are auditioning to be Bush's new poodle.

    BadTux, I saw that. I've been saying that for years, now. We ceded the high ground on torture without a shot being fired.


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