Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Suck It Up, You Made Bad Loans"

Seems that is advice that applies to the financial markets in smaller nations, not to us. The article points out the rampant hypocrisy of the US; when the financial markets in Latin American nations melted down, we told them to "suck it up." But when ours threaten to melt down, for the same reasons, Chimpy and the rest are tripping over themselves trying to salvage things.

I'm not saying they shouldn't try. But the hypocrisy is stunning and we will reap no amount of emnity from those nations for this.

We, as Americans, are very good at dishing out pain. We are not very good at taking it. And yes, this ties into the fact that one day's worth of terrorist attacks have caused us to very nearly scrap our democratic institutions and cede power to an elected fascist.

(H/T to the Suburban Guerrilla)

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