Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saving Iraqis From Saddam's Butchery

Remember when the Wingnuts used to talk about how "Bush saved Iraq from Saddam's butchery?"

Well, over 150,000 Iraqis have been killed since Chimpy McPantload strolled across that aircraft carrier. The number of dead may be higher.

Two million Iraqis have fled the country
, the flow diminishing only because Jordan and Syria have virtually stopped issuing visas.

Another two million plus Iraqis are internally displaced, refugees within their own country.

Add a zero to those numbers to roughly scale it up to what it would be like if it happened here.

Oh, and remember all of those goals for the Surge? Oil law, political stability, so on and so forth? None of that has happened. The "Anbar Awakening" is little more than buying off the native insurgents and giving them guns to fight the foreign insurgents. The Anbar citizens groups have no loyalty to the central government.

But from Bush's viewpoint, the Surge accomplished its only goal, which was to kick the can down the road and probably far enough that the reckoning will come on the next president's watch.

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