Friday, January 4, 2008

A Product You Never Thought You Needed

In surfing through the NY Times' website, I read a blog that mentioned a product called "Poop Freeze." It is a real product (yes, that means "this is no shit, GI"). No surprise that it is a featured product in SkyMall magazine.

So there you are, walking your mini-mutt, armed with your pooper-scooper and plastic bags. But because that is yucky, you're first supposed to take your can of Poop-Freeze, spray the dog's shit in order to freeze the outer surface, and then you can use your baggie to grab the now-solidified exterior.

After all, it is such a yucky chore to feel the dog shit squish as you pick it up. (snark OFF)

With stuff like this shit to freeze shit, either we are just daring God to sling an asteroid our way, or else we obviously have all of the serious problems of the world in tow if we can worry about the desirability of freezing the shit from your micro-dog before you pick it up.

1 comment:

  1. They have discovered the secret to Bush's success.
    The only way to polish a turd is to freeze it.


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