Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Operation Thin the Herd" Commences Tonight

The weak candidates are going to start going away as the third year of the 2008 presidential campaign gets going.

It's about fucking time. So far I've been spared most of the idiot advertising, but you can bet your ass that once the primaries roll around here, I'm going to either be renting movies or watching HBO. The best year I ever had during a presidential campaign was when I was overseas for almost all of it and, other than the foreign edition of Newsweek and an occasional look at the International Herald-Tribune, I could ignore most of it. I just read some stuff on the issues and made my choice and for the rest of it, I wasn't bombarded with crap.

Other than the schafenfruede of watching Guiliani's campaign start to sputter and burn, I'm trying to tune it out for now.

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