Friday, January 18, 2008

Ol' Chimpy McOneNote

In discussing the need to stimulate the economy to avoid the recession that Bush says that there is no risk of occurring, Chimpy McFumbleass tried to make the case that Congress needs to make his tax cuts permanent.

Yep, tax cuts that aren't due to expire for three years. That's really going to help the economy now. That makes a lot of sense, but only in the mind of Herr McFuckwit. For the rest of the world, it's another sign of an obsession that is not grounded in reality.

First off, if he couldn't get his stooges in two GOP-run congresses to do that, what makes Mr. Alternate Reality think that he can get them made permanent now? He stands almost as good a chance of that happening as he does of having his legacy described in terms that don't include the words "war criminal."

Second, I think we ought to have a law enacted that whenever Der Monkey Fuhrer mentions the words "tax cuts", that the nearest Secret Service agent has to Taser his worthless ass.

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