Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More `70s Snark

You might recall the Great J.C. Penney Snarkfest from 15 Minute Lunch.

This collection of studio photos from the 1970s from List of the Day is right up there.

Somebody put the entire 1976 J.C. Penny's Christmas catalog online. Some of it was interesting, such as five-function calculators for over $25. Rifles and shotguns in the Christmas catalog.

But in the tradition of snark, nothing says "go somewhere else for sex" like a long dress made of "nyesta". You can just see the Kathie Lee Gifford family in these dresses.

And did you know they used to sell shorts to wear while shaving? I guess going from PJs to getting dressed was not an option.

(H/T to Better & Better)

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