Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Like This is a Surprise; Iraq War Edition; Part II

I was on my way home from Ye Olde Salte Mine today, listening to a thoroughly depressing story on NPR about the plight of the women in Iraq. The reporter would relate some dreadful fact or statistic and say: "It wasn't supposed to be this way."

No fucking shit, Kinsey Millhone. What was your first clue? How about this for starters: This war was run by George W. Bush. The situation for women in Iraq is no different from the situation for Iraqis in general or the Afghanistan War or the response to the Gulf Coast hurricanes or the economy or climate change or or (insert any issue that doesn't involve making the rich richer).

George Bush couldn't run an open-air Diary Queen in Anchorage during February. If you threw him in a sauna, he'd screw up sweating. He couldn't organize a three-car parade. He couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

But we let him try to run a war and the result is a hundred thousand or so dead civilians (remember when the neo-cons said that one of the reasons for the war was to stop Saddam from killing people) and several million people made into refugees.

So, therefore:

Damn George W. Bush to Hell.

Damn Richard B. Cheney.

Damn Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, David Addington, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, George Tenet and the rest of the neo-con cabal that worked or is working in this Administration.

Damn Joe Lieberman, Chimpy's pet Democrat.

Damn all of the neo-cons who agitated for this war.

Damn the Heritage Foundation and the other Right-wing "think tanks."

Damn everyone who worked for Fox News, the propaganda arm of the neo-cons.

Damn all of the generals and admirals who knew that the planning for the war was woefully inadequate, but who shut up and put their own careers ahead of the men and women who were sent into the Sandbox to execute Operation Clusterfuck.

Damn all of the "journalists" who swallowed the Bush tripe and failed to do their job of uncovering the truth, at least until after the public started to turn against the war.

Damn L. Paul Bremer and all of the rest of those ideologues who tried to turn Iraq into a case study of how neo-cons can run a country. Damn all of those who chose to hire people based on fealty to the Bush ideology rather than those who were qualified to do the job.

Damn Halliburton, Parsons Construction, Blackwater and all of the other war profiteers who saw the Iraq War as a golden opportunity to line their own pockets.

Damn all of those who say they support the war, but who cannot be bothered with serving in it.

Damn all of those politicians who support the war, but whose sons and daughters are nor serving. And yes, I am specifically referring to you, Willard M. Romney.

But most of all, damn George Bush. Damn everyone who won't damn George Bush. Damn everyone who doesn't take a minute out of their day, each day, to damn George Bush.

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