Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let's Get This One Out in the Daylight

I found this in Over the Cliff, Onto the Rocks, which in turn copied it from Dark Wraith:

There is no doubt a fear in some quarters that if Obama gets too close to the presidency, that some nutjob of a cracker with a rifle will try to take him out. I don't think that fear is irrational; if you remember the Civil Rights Era, there was not exactly a shortage of Black leaders (and white supporters) who were killed by racist loons with guns.

Yes, there were riots. But don't forget that the riots were reactions to triggering events, including the assassination of Dr. King.

Now if you are really going to go whole-hog into conspiracy theories, you might start arguing that this is just what the neocons around Bush have in mind: Pull a Musharraf and arrange to have your likely successor killed. Then declare martial law, using National Security Presidential Directive NSPD-51/ Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-20.

That may be tinfoil-hat thinking. On the other hand, ask yourself this: If Bush and his cabal of murderous cronies were willing to blatantly lie to the American people in order to drag this country into a war, is there any crime that they would not perpetrate in order to hang onto power?

1 comment:

  1. Misfit-your thoughts are correct. No need for tin foil at all. These fuckers have killed for decades and will continue to do so. They do what ever they want because they can and when it comes to the election I think the chances are less than 50-50 there will be one. I also think when it's over and done the chances are better than that there will be another bush like creature in power only worse. But what the fuck do I know I'm just a peckerhead born in the middle of a cornfield.


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