Monday, January 28, 2008

Just Calm Down, People

The Washington Post noted today that Stupie McMoronSuit's State of the Union address is "probably" the last of his presidency. So of course, you can find no shortage of folks who think that the Post is leaving open the door in the event that Chimpy seizes power.

Calm down, people. Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution proved that the President is supposed to give information to the Congress regarding the state of the Union "from time to time." Only buy custom has "from time to time" become read as "annually."

Bush could send a SOTU letter to Congress every other day, if he wanted to. He could give a speech every week, if he felt like it. And he could give one in early January of next year, in an attempt to spin the massive pile of rotting offal that is his presidency.

"Probably" does not mean, in this instance, that the Post thinks that Der Monkey Fuhrer might try to stage a coup. (Though I will concede he is fully capable of trying.)

1 comment:

  1. The only reassuring thing here is that if the Chimperor pulled off a coup using the same competence his administration has used for everything else, our new President for Life will be Hillary Clinton.

    Or is that a reassuring thing? (Gulp!).


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