Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jerkoffs, All of Them

That's been my general reaction to the Bush-Pelosi "stimulus package", otherwise known as the "go out and buy something really shiny" plan. For many, many, many years, the big gripe of economists is that Americans save too little and spend too much. But now, supposedly to kick-start the economy, Bush and his lackeys on Capitol Hill (and Harry Reid is one of them) think all they have to do is get a few Benjamins into everyone else's hands and That Solves That Problem.

Except it won't, and anyone who really thinks that giving people a few hundred smackers will save the economy is smoking crystal meth.

This "giveaway," which is merely an accelerated tax refund, won't bring down the price of energy or food. It won't do a damn thing to stop the fiscal bleeding caused by Chimpy's War. It sure as shit won't do a damn thing about Stupie McPoopyPant's 40% increase in the national debt.

Bush has the Reverse Midas Touch: Every problem he tries to address gets worse and turns into shit. The economy is no different.

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