Friday, January 18, 2008

Financial Institutions: Why Maybe We Should Join the Communist Party

This is what drives me absolutely batshit:

First you have the banks and other financial institutions that keep yelling that they don't need regulation, that it is in their economic interest to do the right thing, that the economy will grow faster and we will all be better off with less government oversight.

And that is their tune until things go wrong. When they do, they they go running to the Federal government, to Congress and the White House, for aid, assistance and a bail-out. They sit up there in congressional hearing rooms in their $5,000 suits and plead that it is our duty to help them make their yacht payments.

My response: Fuck you guys. Eat your losses. Go get some of the money back from those CEOs and managers who were paid hundreds of millions of dollars to watch the store.

If we, as the American taxpayers, are going to be the ones who have to bail you out, then we should have a say in how things are run. Which means that since you guys have gotten into trouble, from here on out, we get to have a say in what you do and cannot do. If we are going to have to clean your room, then we get to regulate your greedy asses.

The subprime messes are showing that the Libertarian ideal is just a lot of horseshit and that unfettered capitalism is about as workable an economic concept as the communist ideal.

These guys cannot be trusted and it is time for some meaningful government regulation and oversight to take place.

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