Thursday, January 17, 2008

Asswipe of the Day

Michael Chertoff, Commissar of Rodina Security.

Last week, Commissar Chertoff accused critics of the "Real ID" plan of either being terrorists, con men or illegal immigrants. Today, Commissar Chertoff said that the critics are children who need to "grow up."

Actually, Chertoff snuck this honor away from Michele Bachmann, a Republican congresswoman from Minnesota. Bachmann was chortling because people in her state have to work two jobs in order to make ends meet. No surprise that her idea of a stimulus package is to cut the corporate tax rate (not that most corporations are bothering to pay taxes in the first place).

Commissar Chertoff, Asswipe of the Day: Go blow yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said! If only the whore media would write with a bit of reality rather than the on knees approach which Amerika loves instead of the truth. We must support the Killer in Charge no matter what he says or how fucking dumb it is.


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