So Bob Gates is parroting the Bush Administration's line on Iran, the one that has Bush, in essence, saying "who are you going to believe, me or your lyin' eyes". Bush on Iran has all of the credibility of a used-car dealer trying to kick sand over the puddle of transmission fluid leaking from a `87 Pontiac while proclaiming that "this is one cherry of a car, mister."
So the CIA destroyed tapes of interrogations even after the White House told them not to.
So the economy may be free-falling into a recession.
So the Russians test-fired an improved Topol ICBM.
So the Albanians and Serbians in Kosovo hate each other's guts and would resume killing each other in a heartbeat.
I'm at a friend's house. She has a new cat that she got from the shelter, a black polydactyl female that, compared to my cat Jake, feels as light as a feather. She is very friendly when she's not hiding under the furniture.
And so for today, I officially do not care what is going on elsewhere.
Sue me.
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