Wednesday, December 19, 2007

We Knew Nothing, We Said Nothing, We Approved Nothing

That has basically been the line by the White House when asked whether or not they approved the destruction of the CIA Torture Tapes.

Seems that once again, it's all smoke, mirrors and bullshit. The White House knew about everything and, if they didn't say "burn them", they left no doubt in the minds of the CIA folks what they should do, and this was no matter of saying "will no one rid me of this troublesome priest." The White House was no doubt mindful of what had transpired once the abu Ghraib photos became public and the last thing they wanted to see was the Torture Tapes on the Internet.

But there is this inconvenient fact: The Torture Tapes were evidence of the commission of serious crimes. By approving or winking-at the destruction of the Torture Tapes, the White House engaged in one of its favorite extra-curricular activities: Obstruction of Justice.

And it should come as no surprise that one of those involved in this was Alberto Gonzales, Chimpy's legal douchebag advisor.

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