Monday, December 10, 2007

Spamming Cocksuckers

I had a first happen today: I received a spam text-message on my cell phone.

Since under my "I don't text much" plan, I get charged fifteen cents for text messages, I called up my cellular provider and told them to disable the goddamn feature.

And if you happen to be one of those cocksucking motherfuckers who send out spam to cell phones, I hope you rot in Hell. But only after you die, slowly, of a horrible, painful, disfiguring disease.

Happy holidays, you scum-sucking goatfuckers.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently being on the Do Not Call list doesn't apply to this particularly insidious form of harassment.
    I'm with you on this subject 100%.
    I even got one in Spanish.
    Bastards texted me at 0200!
    Trying to find my fucking glasses, thinking it was someone at work trying to get a hold of me for some kind of emergency. Murderously pissed off at that one.


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