Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Fashion Items: Burkhas and Mirrored Sunglasses

You might want to add gloves, too, as well as blackout curtains on your windows. Because it seems that the FBI is moving towards the "we're watching you all the time" method of security.

I don't think it is a "tinfoil hat" idea to imagine that this is leading towards a system where, as long as you are in view of a security camera, that the FBI will be able to record and review whatever you do and when. There already are plans to begin networking private security cameras so that the police can monitor them. It is not too far-fetched to imagine that it will become a requirement to network any such private security cameras so the police can monitor them.

And since the Department of Reich Homeland Security is fine-tuning its idea to turn the American spy satellites on Americans, it is starting to seem that the concept behind the 1998 movie Enemy of the State is getting closer and closer to reality. Stalin and Beria would have had orgasms at the level of surveillance and control that the DHS is envisioning.

Those in charge of security will destroy any remnant of liberty or freedom they can in order to "keep you safe." It has always been this way in any political system, from fascist to free, and it is happening here.

UPDATE: In 1950, the FBI wanted to lock up 12,000 people for "disloyalty", which the FBI seemed to define as "dissenting." The more things change, the more they stay the same. And one thing that has never changed is that the greatest threat to liberty and freedom has come from those who claim to protect it.

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