Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Nation of Laws?

Bob Schieffer, on "Face the Nation" asks if we are sending a message that we are a nation of laws or a nation of laws only when it is not inconvenient. He asks if we are helping our cause when we demonstrate that we do not practice what we preach.

It is a good question. It is one that has been asked by Sen. Whitehouse. Take the time to read what he said. Note his conclusion: That George Bush claims the right to define the limits of his own power. That George Bush claims the right to break his own rules. That George Bush claims the right to tell the Justice Department what is legal and what is not.

Let us make no mistake, dear readers: George Bush has set this nation on the path to tyranny. The position of "I set the rules and I can break them if I want, neener, neener" is the position of a tyrant.

In that, George Bush differs not a whit from Saddam Hussein.

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