Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Like This is a Surprise; GITMO Edition

Evidence of innocence is rejected in the Guantanamo Kangaroo Courts Tribunals in favor of unfounded allegations. Note that a simple question of "how high is the basketball rim" is construed as a desire to escape.

I used to say that Guantanamo is a black stain on our nation's honor. But under this corrupt and criminal administration, we have very little honor left. The tribunals in Guantanamo are a rigged farce where, even if a status review tribunal finds in favor of the prisoner, the officers on the tribunal are upbraided by their superiors and either sent back to do it again or assigned other duties. Then a different tribunal is empaneled and another review is held and another and another until the government gets the result they want.

I believe that if the Founding Fathers were to arise from their graves, they would denounce the Bush Administration as a royalist construct and that they would try to raise an army of rebellion.

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