Sunday, December 9, 2007

Like This is a Surprise; Congressional Edition, Part Deux

(Pronounced "Duh!")

So now it seems that Congressional leaders were briefed five years ago about the CIA's interrogation methods, including the use of torture, and not a single one of those esteemed lawmakers raised an objection. One of those briefed was Nancy Pelosi.

(Correction: Jane Harman did object. Pelosi got her fired. {H/T to Gug})

Wow, that is real courage and leadership, to wait until there is public backlash before speaking out against war crimes. I would presume that if the briefing had included plans for the construction of gas chambers and crematoria, that there would have been some objection.

Unfortunately, that presumption assumes facts not in evidence. I see no real sign that the Democratic congressional leadership has, is, or will ever take a stand on anything without the public first telling them to do so. Which is why Bush is going to roll them every chance he can, because even though his principles are those of a criminally insane nutjob, at least he has some principles.

The Democrats don't. They will probably hold onto Congress in `08, but they should not paln on staying there for much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Jane Harmen objected in a letter, EBM. It was classified. It is Pelosi who is a feminine shrub, and someone should run against her who understands what is American and what *isn't*


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