Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"How to Raise Sluts" Probably Wasn't a Good Working Title

Plans to publish Lynne Spears's book on child-raising were put on hold.

Lynne Spears is the mother of Britney, of "do lots of drugs and shave my head" fame. Britney's younger sister, Jamie, is 16 and 12 weeks pregnant.

Jamie was apparently named after her father, Jamie. Good thing for her that his name wasn't Beauregard. Or maybe not, for she might not have gotten knocked up.

(H/T to Wyatt)


  1. Bwhahah! Yeah, I saw this one pass by on Teh Google News but I don't do celebrity soma so didn't post it. Didn't stop me from having a giggle at the thought of the Spears' girls' mommy writing (or rather having someone ghost-write) a book on parenting...

  2. I don't usually do celebrity gossip, either, but this item was just calling out for an application of snark.


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