Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fascist America

The CIA tortured people.

The CIA made videotapes/DVDs of CIA agents torturing people.

Then, because the CIA all of a sudden realized that it had documented its people committing war crimes, the CIA destroyed the evidence.

Now the CIA is admitting that it destroyed the evidence.

Um, hey, you might want to check with your lawyers, guys. Destruction of evidence of a crime is a crime. It's called "obstruction of justice." And for those of you who weren't involved with the actual torture, but destroyed the tapes or ordered the destruction, try "accessory after the fact".

Look it up.

As for the rest of you, think about this: In your name, your government tortured people. That is a war crime. The US has executed people in the past for such crimes. Under the Yamashita Standard, George Bush, Richard Cheney, Condolezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet and probably a busload of other officials should all be tried for crimes against humanity and, if found guilty, they should be hung.

And those of you who think that this is all just peachy keen, you can apply for your Good Little German card. For you are no different from them.

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