Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cessna Mustang PIREP

This is a pilot's report on the Cessna Mustang (for those of you who have that kind of loot).

I just sort of wonder if the VLJs will be limited to operations below FL 290 anyway. My suspicion is that ATC is going to keep them out of the airliner-intensive altitudes in the RVSM range of FL 290-410 and that they probably won't be operating in the high-bizjet altitudes above FL 410, anyway.

But what the hell do I know.


  1. $3.5 million? Oh sure, I'll just take it out of the petty cash.

    Uhm, no :-). I'm just wondering how many of these babies they'll sell. There's only so many top executives of major corporations who have private pilots' licenses, after all. The rest will use a corporate jet.

  2. I imagine that the concept is to sell a bunch of them to a lower-end version of NetJets.


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