Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why Bureaucrats Deserve to Be Beaten, Flogged and Shot

If a soldier signs up and receives a signing bonus and then is wounded in Iraq and, as a result of those wounds, is medically discharged, the motherfucking Army wants part of the bonus back.

The bureaucrats should be doing whatever it takes to make the wounded veterans' lives easier, not hounding them for refunds. This is beyond unconscionable. This is beyond outrage. Not one of those soulless beancounters had the humanity or the integrity to stand up and say: "This is just not right."??

The people who dreamed up this, who are enforcing it, have no humanity. They have placed themselves beyond the pale.

The people doing this (and I use the word "people" reluctantly) need to be tarred, feathered, dragged through the streets, hung until nearly dead and then drawn and quartered. Sort of like they used to do in Merry Olde England, except for the tarring and feathering. Whoever dreamed up this scheme should receive the same, but omitting the "hung until nearly dead" part.

Get the pitchforks.


  1. Another example of things that make want to kick some people in the nuts, repeatedly.

  2. I'm pretty much convinced that all politicians, no matter what their affiliation, need to be treated thusly.


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