Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Were They Thinking....

... when they made "Lions for Lambs?"

First off, at 26% on the Tomatometer, it's a lousy movie.

Second, in the first week, it kind of bombed at the box office.

Third, and this is my beef with this movie and "Rendition" and "In the Valley of Elah" and the upcoming release of "Redacted" and all the rest: Who the fuck wants to drop ten bucks or so on a movie about the Iraq War? You can see all the depressing shit you want on the evening news or on cable or on the Internet for nothing. You can pick up any newspaper (other than those printed by the Reich News Corp.) and read about this stuff.

Why the hell would anybody in their right mind go pay good money to see that stuff on the Iraq War?

You might recall that during the last bloody quagmire, there weren't any commercially successful movies about the Vietnam War (that I know of, at any rate). John Wayne's movie "the Green Berets" was a fucking joke at the time. About the only popular war movie at the time was "MASH" and that was about the Korean War. "Apocalypse Now" and "the Deer Hunter" came out in the late `70s, after the end of the war.

So why is Hollywood so stupid this time around?

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