At a "town hall" meeting, State Department employees voiced their displeasure at the fact that some of them are going to be ordered to Baghdad. Among other things, they are also not happy that it wasn't their bosses that announced this policy to them, they had to read about it in the newspapers. I guess that the State Department managers were sleeping through HR-101.
Here is where it should have been clear that the Bush Administration has lost its intellectual cabbage: When confronted with poll results that only 12% of the Foreign Service officers believe that Secretary Rice gives a damn about them, Harry K. Thomas Jr., the director general of the Foreign Service, said that 88% of the American people once supported slavery.
That's the best you can do, make some crappy analogy and try to insinuate that opposing Bush's policies is like supporting slavery?
Note also that even the State Department employees who do go and serve in Iraq are being denied medical treatment after they get back from Iraq. That is really not the best way to get other people to want to go there.
Update: NPR had this story tonight, with audio from the meeting.
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