Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Social Security Flim-Flam

No, it's not that Social Security is a flim-flam. It's that the Feds, both Democrat and Republican (mostly Republicans), have been using the Social Security Trust Fund to reduce the apparent size of the Federal deficit. It's not that Social security is broke, it's that the Feds have been borrowing from it, so what is really supposed to be a "trust fund" is really a huge series of notes that say "Dear Seniors, we owe you trillions of dollars. (signed) the Feds."

Which will all have to be paid back. so you young people, you have Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43 to thank for the fact that you are going to wind up paying higher taxes and getting piss-poor services in return.

And yes, if you are a pilot and you wonder why the Feds are so loath to spend the Aviation Trust Fund to upgrade the air traffic control system and why, despite having several billions in the Aviation Trust Fund, the Bushies keep trying to ram through user fees, same reason.

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