Monday, November 5, 2007

The Mercenaries' Kahuna Speaketh

Erik Prince, the overlord sole owner of Blackwater, thinks that calling his bloodthirsty goons a bunch of mercenaries is "slanderous."

Get used to it, bucko. Your employees are armed killers who fight for a paycheck. There is no other word for it other than "mercenary", unless you prefer "hired guns" or "paid killers" or the like. If they were indeed "Americans fighting for America," as you seem to think, they'd be in the armed forces, wearing the appropriate uniforms and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the orders of the officers and NCOs over them.

But they are not. They take a paycheck, that is their sole reason for being there and they can quit whenever they want.

Viva la mort, viva la guerre, viva le sacre mercenaire.

They are mercenaries, or, quite possibly, "illegal combatants."

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