Friday, November 2, 2007

Give Me a Break

Chimpy is whining that the Senate is being "unfair" by demanding that Judge Mukasey acknowledge that waterboarding is torture.

The Senators are right not to accept the attempted dodge by Mukasey that "I have not been read into the program, I do not know what is involved." That is the biggest crock of shit since Clarence Thomas declared that he had no knowledge of Roe v. Wade.

Waterboarding is not a new technique. It is not a "CIA swimming lesson", as one Right-wing nutjob proclaimed. It is torture. The quibbling of the Bushies that "well, maybe it's not torture if it's done right" is like saying that throwing someone in an Iron Maiden isn't torture if you don't close the door all the way.

The Administration's refusal to talk about this only confirms in the minds of most of the world that torture is indeed what is practiced by American interrogators.

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