Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Freedom is on the March"

That is the Cry of the Chimperor. But is it true?

Georgia had a state of emergency to permit the crackdown on dissenters and the shutdown of an opposition television station.

Pakistan. Pervez Musharraf. Need I say more?

Lebanon is at risk.

And then there is our own country. And here.

The worst player in this, of course, is Richard Cheney. For the last thirty years, he has been an unalloyed, unapologetic believer in a presidency that treats the other two branches of government as rump entities with no real power, other than that which the Executive Branch lets them exercise. Cheney would make the Executive Branch the trunk of the government, in derogation to the Constitution.

I do not think that it is a real stretch to say this: Dick Cheney is an enemy of the Constitution. Since he took an oath of office to "preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic," if he had any honor left in his blackened and blasted soul, he would either resign in disgrace or kill himself.

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