Monday, November 26, 2007

Foxwood to Unionize

The dealers at the Foxwoods Casino have voted to unionize.

Here is a tip for employers: Unions rarely win such elections, rather, employers lose them. Employers lose them because they don't treat the employees fairly; the supervisors have their favorites and those favorites get the best assignments and all of the overtime. They may be paid more. That creates resentment and then the union comes in, promising that the contract they will negotiate will require the bosses to play fair.

If you lose a unionization vote, don't blame your workers and don't blame the union. Take a good look at your operation and ask yourself why your people do not trust you to be honest and fair with them. If you cannot come up with a reason, odds are that either you are willfully blind or you don't know what is going on in your own company.

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