Monday, November 12, 2007

Bush- Honors the Veterans While on Vacation

On Veterans Day, Bush honored the veterans by scooting his pasty ass out of Washington for Texas. He couldn't be bothered with laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. He's not about to give up a long weekend at his hobby-ranch in Texas for anything as gritty as honoring veterans.

He did make time to go to some jerkwater American Legion post, but he left the actual job of formally honoring our veterans at Arlington to Vlad Cheney.

Smooth move, Chimperor Disgustus. You couldn't give up one long weekend at your crib to honor the veterans who have sacrificed far more, both in war and in peace, then you have done?

(I guess that this weekend there were no white women in long-term comas who the Christian Taliban needed Smirky McFuckwit to sign a bill intervening in their matters.)

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