Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Way to Fuck Over the Soldiers

As you probably have heard, the Army has a rotation plan of "15 months in Iraq, 12 months home." What you may not have heard is that the rotation plan applies to units, not soldiers. So, say you're in Division X. You do fifteen months in Iraq and you're home for three or four months. Then you get transferred to Division Y, which is going to Iraq in a few weeks and, guess what, you're going for a full fifteen month tour. Which means that in a three year period, you are in Iraq for 2-1/2 years. What I have also heard is that if you are one of the soldiers in Division X and your enlistment ends in six months, the Army will throw you into Division Y in order to "stop-loss" your ass. I'll try to track this down when I have some time.

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