Monday, October 8, 2007

"We'd Be Much Safer if Only the Cops Had Guns"

Ayup. Sure we would.


  1. I was curious about how many people are killed by cops or die in police custody within hours of arrest here in the United States, and how that compares to the number of people murdered by others. Oddly enough, I could find no statistics on police-related deaths. None. Zero. Nada. Despite a 2000 law that was intended to force collection of those statistics.

    It makes you wonder just how many people are being killed by cops every year... and whether that number is far higher than what we would expect.

  2. That number is astoundingly high, which is why you can't find published statistics.

    It's just an idle thought but maybe cops should be suggested to a battery of psychological tests at least as rigorous as the physical qualifications.

  3. It seems like I saw some stats once that suggested that an innocent person had a higher probability of being shot by a LEO than someone with a CCW, even though there are more CCWs than LEOs.
    Forget where I saw them; if I can find them again I'll post a link.

  4. Bob, if you find the link, I'd like to see the material.


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