Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Und Ve Vill Bomb Them, Jawohl, Mein Fuhrer"

Bush Aministration official: "I hate all Iranians."

Look, people, when you are going to make remarks like that, can you at least forego wearing the Iron Cross? (Not to mention the red leather biker jacket.)

Stop making it so easy for us to poke fun at you.


  1. Holy crap, that looks like some sorta transgendered dominatrix, not some sorta high official of the Bush Administration.

    On the other hand, I suppose someone has to run the torture chambers, and who better than a transgendered dominatrix?

  2. You know, strangely enough, there aren't many photos of Cagan online, but every one of them shows that same metallic choker collar.

    Speaking of transgendered....

  3. I figure she's wearing the scarf to disguise the scar from auto-erotic asphyxiation episode that went a little too far.

  4. So you're saying she's a Southern Baptist Preacher from Alabama too? Kinky!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. No... that's an Adam's apple hider-upper.


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