A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Thoughts on the Coultergeist
There is a lot to criticize Ann Coulter about. She's a racist, intolerant hate-monger. She is a fascist, in that she seeks to deny civil rights, the protection of the laws and freedom to anyone she disagrees with. She has far more in common with the Nazis and the Communists than her allies would ever dare to admit. And she's made a shitload of money from it, which says volumes about the people in this country and about the racist base of the Republican Party. It is fair to look at whether or not she committed a felony when she registered to vote in Florida.
But one thing is out of bounds, and that is attacks on her sexual identity. I don't know if Coulter was born female or, if not, if she is a pre-op/post-op/no-op transsexual or a transvestite. It is irrelevant and, more to the point, attacking Coulter for what her physiology may be smacks of the sort of evil level of attacks that the Right indulges in.
So knock that shit off.
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