is George Bush. This little quote by one of his spokesweasels was in today's Washington Post:
[Frances Townsend] said that "we start with the least harsh measures first" and stop the progression "if someone becomes cooperative."
So they begin to torture and they will keep on torturing until the victim talks. And that distinguishes them from Tomas de Torquemada, how, exactly?
Torquemada is a pretty good comparison. I have little doubt that Torquemada thought that he was doing the Lord's work when he had people tortured, that he was on the side of right, justice and the angels.
We know better.
The Marines used to have a saying: "Death before dishonor." It is now abundantly clear that, when presented with a similar choice, the Bush Administration has chosen "dishonor."
I'd expect nothing different from those yellow elephants.
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