Friday, October 26, 2007

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

The article deals with the fact that the same group of idiots and war criminals neo-cons who were responsible for the debacle in Iraq now that Rudy's ear.

Note in the article that Guiliani wants to add ten combat brigades to the Army. While there are about 4,000 soldiers in a combat brigade, they need 5,000 support troops, so it take about 9,000+ soldiers in all to make a combat brigade deployable. Ten more deployable combat brigades means that the Army has to recruit another 90,000 soldiers. As it stands right now, the Army is taking about 1 in 5 of its new recruits under "moral waivers", and those folks are turning out to be just the sort of "problem children" that all NCOs and junior officers love to spend their days dealing with.

Where is Rudy, the Pretender to the Throne, expecting to get his additional soldiers?

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