Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Royal Silencer

Prince William and his girlfriend, Kate Middleton, went hunting with his dad.

Note the photographs accompanying the article. In this one, you can clearly see that the rifle in use has a silencer.

In much of Europe, silencers are not only legal, using them is a sign of good manners, just as is having a proper muffler on a vehicle. (Silencers and mufflers were designed by the same person, Hiram Maxim. Look it up.)

Too bad that we Americans are so rude and uncouth. Here, I agree with the Europeans. Silencers on firearms should be legal.


  1. They are legal in some places (like Florida) they are just EXTRA expensive. And of course not being legal everywhere presents problems if you ever move or travel.

  2. I don't think they're legal to use or carry on a pistol in Florida.

  3. I was being to cryptic. I want to see silencers removed from the `34 National Firearms Act.


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