Tony Snow on yesterday's Daily Show talking about Bush's repeated use of the phrase "Democrat Party:" "That's just the way he talks."
Oh, please. The phrase "Democrat party" is a poke in the eye to the Democrats. The Republicans are well aware of that. Saying "oh, that's just the way he talks" as a way of dismissing it is disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst. I gather Snow would say the same thing if Bush was in the habit of referring to Jews as Kikes.
"He doesn't mean anything, that's just the way he talks."
Bush went to a top-flight prep-school and to two Ivy League universities. If that's "just the way he talks", that gives support to those who think that Bush was a legacy student at those schools and is truly is as dumb as a stump. If he is as intelligent as his supporters insist he is, than it is indeed deliberate.
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