Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Next Generation of Idiots

Thanks to the demands of the No Child Left Behind" law, not only are schools cutting physical fitness, now they are cutting science teaching.

So what we are going to reap is a generation of fat ignorami who are good at taking standardized tests, citizens who cannot think for themselves.

In other words, clones of George Bush.

Addendum: Mark Morford would seem to agree.


  1. Any issue Mark Morford is on one side of, I'm automatically on the other; I don't even need to know what it is.

    If Morford started saying bad things about the devil tomorrow, I'd re-read Lucifer's resume, because I must have missed the good parts.

    That shrieking hysteric (and here I mean "hysteric" in the good old misogynistic sense) couldn't reason his way out of a damp paper bag and hasn't written two coherent thoughts in his career as a columnist. I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.

  2. OK, so you feel the same way about Morford as I do about the Hindenburg Brigade, then.


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