Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More Conservative Christian Family Values at Work

Autopsy: Pastor found in wet suits after autoerotic mishap.

This is just really creepy. Scroll down the linked page and read the autopsy report. But you might want to make sure your children aren't in the room.

(Yes, folks, I did warn you that adult topics get discussed here. See Rule #3.)

(Thanks to MArooned)


  1. Creepy does not do that one justice - "fecking crazy" comes closer but still lacks a certain something.

    If you will excuse me I feel the need to take a shower :)

  2. Just another tighty righty closet case. Scratch a tighty righty, see a creep. Just this one managed to take his creepiness a leeetle too far...

    BTW, I found a hilarious conversation between the Rev. Aldridge and a right-wing radio host on Teh Google when I went googling for him. It's back in the late 1990's and Aldridge is talking about sexual deviancy in the White House and how Bill Clinton should be impeached for it. Ever notice that the guys whining the most about sex are the ones who have the weirdest sexual kinks? Like David Vitter and his diaper fetish?

    -Badtux the Kinky Sex Penguin

  3. He was having Flipper fantasies, I guess.

  4. Ever notice that the guys whining the most about sex are the ones who have the weirdest sexual kinks? Like David Vitter and his diaper fetish?

    Indeed I have. Wide-Stance Larry is another one.

    He was having Flipper fantasies, I guess.

    I think he was wearing flippers; I suspect the reference in the coroner's report to "slippers" was a typo.


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