Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Leaking Like a Sieve

Remember when the New York Times printed stories about the Chimperor's secret wiretapping or when the Washington Post printed stories about Vice President Voldemort's secret prison system or, more recently, how the White House Flack du Jour got upset about the NY Times's story last week about the continuing use of torture? Remember how the folks on the Wingnut side of the stage got their panties all bunched up, crying about how telling the American people about the egregious misdeeds of Der Monkey Fuhrer's (mal)administration was hurting national security?

Here is my prediction: Since it was the Bush Administration that leaked the latest bin Ladin video and, by doing so, compromised that intelligence source, you will not hear a peep from the Wingnuts. They will have nothing to say how the mishandling of intel by Chimperor Disgustus Stupidicus damaged national security.

Not a fucking word.

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