Monday, October 15, 2007

International Effects of Playing Politics

The Democrats in Congress are pushing through a resolution that terms the killing of over a million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as genocide. Needless to say, the government of Turkey is not amused.

This is not the only time that our foreign policy has been twisted for domestic political concerns. We have maintained an embargo against Cuba for nearly fifty years, largely because of the Cuban lobby in Florida. After this much time, only an ideologue or an idiot could seriously argue that the Cuban embargo is accomplishing anything other than closing off an export market to American products.

At this point in time, we need Turkey more than Turkey needs us. The Turks can squeeze down on our logistical pipeline to Iraq. They can buy their military gear from the Europeans or elsewhere. The Turks can move to really mess up things in the Kurdish areas in Iraq. There are a lot of things that the Turks can do to make their displeasure known.

And we are going to risk all of that so Nancy Pelosi can placate some voters in her district?


  1. Next, we should pass a resolution condemning the Normandy invasion of England in 1066 AD.

  2. And then we can get after the Romans for invading Iberia, Gaul, Germania, Greece, Sicily, Egypt and Britannia.


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